Last 29th and 30th October HYDEF Consortium successfully held the Early Maturation Kick-Off Meeting and the Second Progress Review Meeting under the coordination of the Spanish company Sistemas de Misiles de España S.L. (SMS) which manages the industrial team in charge for the project.
Themeeting was held at the premises of the Deputy Technical Coordinator, Sener, in Tres Cantos (Madrid). It marked the start of the Early Technology Maturation activities, which will reinforce the progress of the project towards a reliable concept of a European Interceptor against hypersonic threats, enabling the availability of a suitable response to these by 2029. OCCAR HYDEF PD, National Programme Coordinators and Technical Experts had an active participation in the event, contributing with their valuable feedback to the alignment of the project with European and national needs.
As Technical Coordinator Diehl explained, maturation activities are designed to guide and foster the development of technologies and functionalities critical to the Mission. These technologies, such as materials, algorithms, structures, manufacturing processes, etc. have been identified throughout all the Pillars of HYDEF and are individually planned to reach the targeted Technology Readiness Levels, thus ensuring their availability for the next phases of the project. Work Package Leaders from HYDEF Consortium Members showcased a wide range of different tools such as high-fidelity simulators, laboratory tests, full scale mock-ups and demonstrators that will aid to the robustness of the design.
The Second Progress Review Meeting, chaired by OCCAR HYDEF PM, provided an opportunity for Project Coordinator SMS to present the status of the project and the progress of the activities since the last evaluation and confirmed alignment with project goals. Positive feedback from participants highlighted the substantial progress made and underscored the effectiveness of the collaborative approach.
With these management and technical milestones successfully achieved, HYDEF Project operates firmly at full capacity towards its goal of setting a solid Concept of the System before Summer 2025.