Last week the HYDEF Consortium held the Second Plateau Meeting of the Executive Board, hosted by EM&E Group.
The meeting took place from January 13th to 17th and consisted in five plenary sessions in the facilities of EM&E Group and twenty-one dedicated technical workshops in the facilities of EM&E Group and SENER, with the active participation of all the consortium members. The main topics addressed were the system and subsystems concepts, the simulation tools and the verification strategy. In addition to the agenda, multiple sessions between partners were set up ad-hoc to agree and clarify the interfaces and dependencies. The event laid up a clear path to reach to complete the concept of European Hypersonic Defence Interceptor before summer 2025.
The “European Hypersonic Defence Interceptor” (EU HYDEF) is a project co-funded by the European Union, under the European Defence Fund, and Belgium, Germany, Norway, Poland, and Spain. OCCAR has been entrusted with the management of the EU HYDEF project by the European Commission (EC) and the Participating States.